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优选法 yōuxuǎnfǎ

优选法 优选法(optimization method)以数学原理为指导,合理安排试验,以尽可能少的试验次数尽快找到生产和科学实验中最优方案的科学方法。即最优化方法。实际工作中的优选问题 ,即最优化问题,大体上有两类:一类是求函数的极值;另一类是求泛函的极值。如果目标函数有明显的表达式,一般可用微分法、变分法、极大值原理或动态规划等分析方法求解(间接选优);如果目标函数的表达式过于复杂或根本没有明显的表达式,则可用数值方法或试验最优化等直接方法求解(直接选优)。

优选法造句 更多

  • 1、他向工人讲述的优选法深入浅出,工人听了如轻风拂面,溪水淙淙,联系生产实际,收到雪中送炭的效果。
  • 2、模糊优选法是合理选择复杂条件下的采空区处理方法的重要工具.
  • 3、Attimes, the "优选法" reminds us of the power of simplicity, as it encourages us to focus on the few essential options that truly matter, freeing us from the distractions and complexities of modern life and allowing us to channel our energy towards what truly brings joy and fulfillment.
  • 4、Ina world of constant distractions and ever-increasing demands on our time and attention, the "优选法" reminds us to be intentional with our time and allocate it to activities that align with our values and goals, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
  • 5、The "优选法" encourages us to explore our passions and interests, guiding us towards activities and pursuits that bring us a sense of fulfillment and purpose, igniting our creativity and allowing us to unleash our full potential.
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