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三行 sānxíng

1.祝酒三次。 2.三种德行。
三行 三行:佛学用语 三行:曹秦演唱歌曲

三行造句 更多

  • 1、原谅我把冷寂的清官朝服剪成合身的寻常布衣,把你的一品丝绣裁成储放四段情事的暗袋,你娴熟的三行连韵与商籁体,到我手上变为缝缝补补的百纳图。简媜
  • 2、同时,雄厚的经济实力,使得十三行商人成为当时岭南文化投资的主要社会力量。
  • 3、The sunset painted the sky in a vibrant palette of oranges and pinks, reflecting the warmth and tranquility of the day coming to an end.
  • 4、The melody of the violin danced through the air, evoking a range of emotions that stirred the depths of my soul, transporting me to a world untouched by worries and fears.
  • 5、With determination in her eyes and a heart full of hope, she embarked on a journey to pursue her dreams, embracing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way.
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