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锐意进取造句 更多

  • 1、鸿翔企业精神:锐意进取追求卓越。
  • 2、红棉人在朴实、整洁的校园里,自强不息、锐意进取,收获了理想的办学效益.
  • 3、Inthe face of challenges, we should always adopt a mindset of "锐意进取", constantly pushing ourselves to go beyond our comfort zone and achieve greater success.
  • 4、"锐意进取" is the driving force behind innovation and progress, as it motivates individuals and organizations to continuously seek improvement and reach new heights.
  • 5、Only by embracing the spirit of "锐意进取" can we overcome obstacles, surpass our own limitations, and achieve extraordinary results that were once thought to be impossible.
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