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律师 lǜshī

律师 (法律行业工作人员) 律师(lawyer)不同于古代的讼师、状师,是指通过国家司法考试并依法取得律师执业证书,接受委托或者指定,为当事人提供法律服务的执业人员。 按照工作性质划分,律师可分为专职律师与兼职律师,按照业务范围划分,律师可分为民事律师、刑事律师和行政律师,按照服务对象和工作身份,分为社会律师、公司律师和公职律师。律师业务主要分为诉讼业务与非诉讼业务。

律师造句 更多

  • 1、然而,黄律师却要求出示照片的影印件,穆阿仁父子拒绝了该要求.
  • 2、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 3、With a swift hand gesture, the lawyer silenced the restless murmurs in the packed courtroom, capturing the undivided attention of the judge, the jury, and everyone present, as he delivered his powerful opening statement, setting the stage for a pivotal trial.
  • 4、Inthat critical moment, as the courtroom held its breath, the defense lawyer's eloquent closing argument left no doubt in the minds of the jurors about the innocence of her client, compelling them to deliver a unanimous verdict of "not guilty".
  • 5、With an air of confidence and grace, the lawyer skillfully maneuvered through the complex web of legal proceedings, effortlessly dismantling the prosecution's case, leaving no room for doubt about the righteousness of her cause.
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