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公共道德 gōnggòngdàodé

公共道德 公共道德是一组由一个社会或文化中的大多数成员所共享的道德理。职业伦理应当区别于个人伦理和公共道德我们交替地使用伦理和道德两个术语来指称恰当的行为。

公共道德造句 更多

  • 1、南方周末的一个评论员写道:“这些天整个中国都在扪心自问:这些人们的冷漠行径来源于天性,还是说这是公共道德丧失的表现?”。
  • 2、人们从心里鄙弃那些不讲公共道德的人。
  • 3、"Respecting others' personal space and refraining from intrusive behavior is an essential aspect of public morality, creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in our community."
  • 4、"Kindness and compassion towards the less fortunate individuals in society is not just a moral duty, but also a way to build a more inclusive and empathetic public moral fabric."
  • 5、"In order to foster a sense of harmony and unity within our society, it is imperative to prioritize public morality over personal interests, setting aside egocentric attitudes for the greater good."
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