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定制 dìngzhì

定制 “定制”一词起源于萨维尔街,意思是为个别客户量身剪裁。萨维尔街(Savile Row)是一个在伦敦中央梅费尔(Mayfair)的购物街区,因为传统的定制男士服装行业(bespoke tailoring)而闻名。随着时代发展,“定制”一词的意义也逐渐被丰富起来,比如定制服装、礼品,甚至出现了定制肤色、定制蔬菜等,迎合了人们追求品质和个性的心理,定制才是真正的个性化消费。美国预测的“改变未来的十大技术”中,“个性定制”被排在首位,其市场地位越来越被人们认可。

定制造句 更多

  • 1、具有可定制行列属性和下拉式组合框的增强的网格控制.
  • 2、造成问题的原因除了历史的原因外,也有着管理体制、职称评定制度的原因。
  • 3、Inthis ever-changing world, everyone longs for a sense of uniqueness and individuality, and that's where custom-made products come in, offering a personalized touch that sets us apart from the crowd.
  • 4、Inthe era of mass production, personalized fashion has become a rebellion against conformity, as people seek to express their unique sense of style through tailor-made garments that showcase their individuality.
  • 5、With the rise of personalized fitness regimes, trainers and nutritionists work closely with clients to develop tailored workouts and meal plans that cater to their specific goals and needs, ensuring maximum results and satisfaction.
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