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证据 zhèngjù

1、可做为证明用的事实依据 2、法律名词。指在诉讼上用以认定事实之一般资料,如证人的证言 
证据 (法律学术语) 证据(evidence)是指依照诉讼规则认定案件事实的依据。证据对于当事人进行诉讼活动,维护自己的合法权益,对法院查明案件事实,依法正确裁判都具有十分重要的意义。证据问题是诉讼的核心问题,在任何一起案件的审判过程中,都需要通过证据和证据形成的证据链再现还原事件的本来面目,依据充足的证据而作出的裁判才有可能是公正的裁判。 证据应该是客观存在的,伪造或毁灭证据都是触犯违法行为,应受到法律的追究。 目前学界对证据制度的研究已经形成一门专门科目,称为证据学或证据法学。

证据造句 更多

  • 1、拥有书籍就是教养的证据吗?果然如此,谁在教养上足与拥有满屋子书籍的书店主人抗衡。
  • 2、若为奇迹一切证据皆可为之;若为事实则必证明之。
  • 3、The video footage captured by the surveillance cameras clearly showed the suspect stealing the valuable artwork from the museum, leaving no room for doubt and serving as undeniable evidence of his involvement.
  • 4、The bank statements and financial records presented as evidence during the trial exposed the defendant's embezzlement scheme, revealing the extensive network of fraudulent transactions and providing concrete proof of his illegal activities.
  • 5、Witness testimonies from multiple individuals who saw the accident happen provided compelling evidence that the defendant was responsible, allowing the injured party to seek compensation and hold the reckless driver accountable for their actions.
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