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征服 zhēngfú

1、用武力降服 2、施加影响或运用力量、手段使对方就范或折服 
征服 《征服》是由高群书执导,孙红雷、石兆琪、刘威葳、江珊主演的一部警匪电视剧。该剧讲述了警方循江湖恩怨抓捕了一批横行衡州的黑势力团伙成员,警匪之间的追捕与反追捕、复仇与阻止复仇的故事。 征服 (汉语词语) ①人类用暴力、武力、强力或劳动手段制服对象,使其接受、服从、顺从。如“征服顽敌”、“征服大自然”、“征服奥斯曼帝国”。 ②个人威望、影响等所及或者出众的才华、宽阔的胸襟、高尚的道德或智慧使人信服、折服、心悦诚服。

征服造句 更多

  • 1、征服世界的将是这样一些人:开始的时候,他们试图找到梦想中的乐园,最终,当他们无法找到时,就亲自创造了它。
  • 2、演员,靠演技征服观众;球员,靠球技留住球迷;教师,靠综合素质引领学生奔向美好的未来。
  • 3、His determination and perseverance enabled him to conquer his fear of public speaking, and he went on to deliver a flawless and inspiring speech that captivated the entire audience.
  • 4、Against all odds, she managed to conquer the seemingly insurmountable mountain, proving to herself and others that with enough courage and determination, anything is possible.
  • 5、Love has the power to conquer even the darkest of souls, turning hatred into compassion and bringing light to the darkest corners of the human heart.
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