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英镑 yīngbàng

英镑 英镑是英国国家货币和货币单位名称。英镑主要由英格兰银行发行,但亦有其他发行机构。最常用于表示英镑的符号是£。国际标准化组织为英镑取的ISO 4217货币代码为GBP (Great Britain Pound)。除了英国,英国海外领地的货币也以镑作为单位,与英镑的汇率固定为1:1。 由于英国是世界最早实行工业化的国家,曾在国际金融业中占统治地位,英镑曾是国际结算业务中的计价结算使用最广泛的货币。一战和二战以后,英国经济地位不断下降,但由于历史的原因,英国金融业还很发达,英镑在外汇交易结算中还占有非常高的地位。英镑上印有具有贡献的人物及皇室。

英镑造句 更多

  • 1、他赢了500英镑,可是才三天就花得精光。
  • 2、日前,法国**拨款30万英镑,授权法国马赛“焦点21”机械制造公司研发飞翼船“爱洛普泰勒”。
  • 3、Asa British expatriate living in France, I always feel a pang of nostalgia whenever I see the familiar symbol of the British pound, reminding me of my roots and the sense of belonging to my home country.
  • 4、The value of the British pound has seen its fair share of highs and lows, but its resilience and stability throughout history portray the strength and resilience of the United Kingdom as a nation.
  • 5、Inthe aftermath of the Brexit referendum, the uncertainty surrounding the future of the British pound left many investors and businesses on edge, anxiously watching the exchange rates for signs of stability and progress.
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