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心愿造句 更多

  • 1、你俩两小无猜,做一对终身伴侣,是双方家长的心愿
  • 2、他遂了心愿:他老奸巨猾,说给我们只留三万块钱,他知道我们会想办法多赚点儿,这样一来就毁了我们的日子,伤了我们的心。
  • 3、Myheart's desire is to see all children around the world have access to quality education and pursue their dreams.
  • 4、Iave a fervent wish in my heart: to explore the wonders of the world and immerse myself in different cultures.
  • 5、May my deepest longing come true: to find true love and build a lifetime of happiness with someone special.
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