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写作 xiězuò

写作 (汉语词语) 写作是运用语言文字符号反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息的创造性脑力劳动过程。作为一个完整的系统过程,写作活动大致可分为“采集—构思—表述”三个阶段。与作家的自由写作、职业人群的专业写作不同,语文课程意义的写作,是学生在教师指导下按照特定要求用书面语言创造文本,以发展和提高自身写作能力的学习活动。简单来说,写作是生活中与人沟通、交流、分享信息的一种方式,就像我们平常说话一样。写作就是用笔来说话。

写作造句 更多

  • 1、王德强同志很有写作才能,既写得快,又写得好,几乎是"下笔成章"。
  • 2、阅读和写作是相互关联的,二者不可偏废。
  • 3、Inthe quiet solitude of my study, immersed in the world of words and imagination, I can feel the exhilarating power of writing coursing through my veins, as it allows me to paint the vivid tapestry of my thoughts onto the blank page, giving life to my unique perspective and emotions.
  • 4、AsI gaze upon the breathtaking sunset, my heart overflows with a torrent of emotions, longing to capture the ephemeral beauty in a delicate web of words woven with the utmost care and elegance, a testament to the timeless artistry of writing.
  • 5、With each stroke of my pen, I traverse the vast landscape of my mind, exploring the depths of my soul, unraveling the intricacies of human existence, and stitching together a narrative that resonates with the universal truths that bind us all.
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