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小费 xiǎofèi

小费 小费,拼音xiǎo fèi,是指服务行业中顾客感谢服务人员的一种报酬形式。源于18世纪英国伦敦,当时酒店的饭桌中间摆着写有:to insure prompt service(保证服务迅速)的碗。顾客将零钱放入碗中,将会得到招待人员迅速而周到的服务。把上面几个英文单词的头一个字母联起来就成了tips,译为小费。大概付总支出的5%至25%。

小费造句 更多

  • 1、只不过是抓些没权没势的捞小费的票贩子给老百姓看罢了,真正的票贩子还不是那些有权有势的人。
  • 2、我们的目光像母牛一样迟钝,但眼睛不再流泪,我们前进,前进,当我们耕耘了一片土地,当我们将半截身体埋进黄土,我们才能得到一点小费,回来在深夜的茅屋里生一堆火,让我们的孩子烤出一块热面包。兰波
  • 3、Ina world where kindness and gratitude are often overlooked, leaving a tip is my way of acknowledging and rewarding the tireless efforts of those who make our dining experience memorable.
  • 4、The feeling of gratitude that fills my heart when leaving a tip is unparalleled, knowing that I have contributed in some small way to the livelihood of those who work tirelessly to make our dining experiences enjoyable.
  • 5、Leaving a tip is not an obligation, but rather a voluntary act of appreciation, allowing me to acknowledge the hard work, hospitality, and attention to detail that contributes to a remarkable dining experience.
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