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畏缩不前 wèi suō bù qián

宋 魏泰《东轩笔录》第七卷:“唐子方始弹张尧佐,与谏官皆上疏。及弹文公,,则吴奎畏缩不前,当时谓拽动阵脚。”

畏缩不前造句 更多

  • 1、懦弱的牛仔畏缩不前,而勇敢的牛仔把母牛赶向角落.
  • 2、如果你心中有阳光,就不会恐惧前方的坎坷;如果你心中有勇气,就不会畏缩不前;无论前方风多大,雨多大,闯过去就是一片海阔天空!女孩别忧伤,生命的美丽就是坚强的走过坎坷!
  • 3、Inthe face of the challenging economic situation, many small businesses have chosen to shrink and wither away instead of boldly embracing innovation and adapting to new market trends.
  • 4、The fear of failure has caused many talented individuals to withdraw from pursuing their dreams and settling for a life of mediocrity, never realizing their true potential.
  • 5、Many people shy away from engaging in important conversations about social issues, fearing confrontation and potential backlash from opposing viewpoints, resulting in the stagnation of social progress.
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