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威逼 wēibī

威逼 威逼汉语词汇, 拼音:wēi bī, 释义为用威势来逼迫或进逼。

威逼造句 更多

  • 1、江姐被捕后,遭到敌人的威逼利诱和严刑拷打,但她为革命奋斗终身的意志至死不变。
  • 2、对于纠缠不休,甚至威逼诱胁的人,就要请家长、老师、同学、朋友们帮助处理了。
  • 3、Ifyou dare to harm a hair on her head, I will personally make sure that you suffer the consequences and regret it for the rest of your miserable life.
  • 4、Don't play games with me, because if you do, I will uncover every dirty secret you've been trying to hide and expose you for the fraud you are.
  • 5、You may think you can get away with your lies and deceit, but let me make one thing clear – if you continue down this path, I will make it my mission to destroy your reputation and everything you hold dear.
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