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托言 tuōyán

1.借口。 2.假称。
托言 托言是汉语词汇, 拼音tuō yán, 释义:1、借口。 2、假称。 出处《先拨志始》。

托言造句 更多

  • 1、坐手之小孩忽托言欲溺,入厕中,又呼曳车者入,遽欲**之,剔搦良久,二人咸狼藉满身。知之小工具
  • 2、将欲托言帝禅位,诱董入朝殿前行,朝门暗伏铁甲兵,趁便齐出丧贼命。
  • 3、When the moon reaches its zenith and casts its soft glow upon the earth, I often find solace in the power of nature, as if it were whispering sweetly to my soul and carrying my wishes to the universe.
  • 4、Asthe gentle breeze caresses my face and carries the scent of blooming flowers, I cannot help but be reminded of the fragility and beauty of life, and how it dances gracefully like a delicate thread weaving a tapestry of memories.
  • 5、Whenever I find myself standing by the ocean, mesmerized by the restless waves crashing against the shore, I am reminded of the eternal ebb and flow of time, and how it carries away both the joys and sorrows that life bestows upon us.
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