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推断 tuīduàn

1、根据事实或前提推论 2、判断 
推断 推断,拼音tuī duàn,根据事实或前提推论。

推断造句 更多

  • 1、从一个男人的品性便大致可以推断出他的朋友圈子如何,人以群分,志不同道不合的人是走不到一块的。
  • 2、最后,推断了多变量非线性幂级数网络的综合可化成多个线性直积网络联接。
  • 3、Upon seeing the raindrops pelting against the windowpane, she inferred that the storm outside matched the turmoil in her heart, a torrent of emotions that threatened to engulf her completely.
  • 4、The delicate folds in the petals of the withered flower led her to deduce that it had once been cherished and adored, a symbol of love that now lay forgotten.
  • 5、Watching her mother's worried expression, she inferred that something was amiss and her intuition whispered that the news to follow would bring upheaval to their peaceful lives.
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