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情绪 qíngxù

1、情丝,缠绵的情意 2、泛指感情 3、心情;心境 4、情况;端绪 5、劲头 6、指不正当或不愉快的情感 
情绪 (心理学名词) 情绪,是对一系列主观认知经验的通称,是多种感觉、思想和行为综合产生的心理和生理状态。 情绪 (汉语词语) 情绪是人的内心世界外在表达方式。能够 自我觉察,即当自己某种情绪刚一出现时便能够察觉,它是情绪智力的核心能力。

情绪造句 更多

  • 1、即使做不到很快就热爱工作,但至少把“厌恶工作”这种负面情绪从心中排除。
  • 2、母爱是人类情绪中最美丽的,因为这种情绪没有利禄之心掺杂其间。
  • 3、Standing at the edge of the cliff, I felt a surge of overwhelming emotions as the breathtaking beauty of the sunset stirred a mixture of awe and melancholy in my heart.
  • 4、Asthe orchestra played the hauntingly beautiful melody, tears streamed down my face, carrying with them a plethora of emotions that words could never fully capture.
  • 5、Closing my eyes, I let the gentle breeze brush against my skin, invoking a sense of tranquility and serenity that washed over me like a warm embrace, melting away the worries and anxieties that had plagued my mind.
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