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弥补 míbǔ

1、补偿,赔偿 2、填补 
弥补 (汉语词语) 弥补,汉语词汇,属性为动词, 拼音:mí bǔ 表示对一个时期或个人的错误的补偿。事后把不够的事或物用替代品充满,补满。

弥补造句 更多

  • 1、夏有三伏秋有“虎”,秋风秋雨秋老虎。季节交替度寒暑,生活奔忙真辛苦。天气变化要记住,健康损失难弥补。立秋之际遥相祝,生活开心就是福。
  • 2、我们将强化国家资本标准,使银行能够承受损失,弥补自身风险。
  • 3、Despite the deep loss and sorrow, the community came together to organize a charity event to raise funds and bring hope to those affected, aiming to repair the broken spirits and offer solace to the grieving families.
  • 4、Reflecting on her past actions, she decided to dedicate her time and energy to volunteer work, in an attempt to compensate for the mistakes she had made and find redemption through helping others.
  • 5、Recognizing the significance of education in eradicating inequality, the government launched an initiative aimed at providing quality education for underprivileged children, with the hope of bridging the gap and compensating for the opportunities they had been denied.
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