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劳顿 láodùn

1、劳累疲倦 2、烦扰 
劳顿 (汉语词汇) 劳顿,指劳累疲倦,如:舟车劳顿。也用作英语人名、地名的翻译。如:查尔斯·劳顿、密歇根州城市劳顿(Lawton)。

劳顿造句 更多

  • 1、舟车劳顿下,两脸被冻的果红,还未消散尽,头上梳着两个小辫角,张口说话时,还一颤一颤的。
  • 2、舟车劳顿,车里满满的都是齐飞的怨气。
  • 3、Despite his physical exhaustion, John pushed himself to finish the marathon, fueled by his determination to prove his strength and resilience.
  • 4、The intense workload and constant pressure had taken a toll on Sarah's mental and emotional well-being, leaving her in a state of complete physical and mental exhaustion.
  • 5、Inthe face of countless challenges and setbacks, the young entrepreneur continued to work tirelessly, his unwavering dedication and unyielding spirit driving him forward.
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