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开导 kāidǎo

开导 开导,汉语词汇。 释义:kāi dǎo 指启发劝导。通俗的来讲就是就是让你开始明白,并引导你理解某些东西。心理上的帮人引出困境。

开导造句 更多

  • 1、刘岳雷纯碎是想让陈天一去开导一下彭阳的。
  • 2、从此,“同乐社”的玩友们在两位社头的开导下,达成共识,大家毅然解掉了绑在腿上的高跷。
  • 3、When life knocks you down and you feel like giving up, remember that every challenge is an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser. Open your heart to the lessons life is trying to teach you and never lose sight of your inner strength.
  • 4、Intimes of darkness and despair, know that you have the power to rise above it all. Embrace the warmth of hope and let it guide you towards a brighter tomorrow. The light at the end of the tunnel may be closer than you think.
  • 5、When faced with failure, don't let it define you. Instead, use it as a stepping stone towards success. Learn from your mistakes, adapt, and never lose faith in your ability to reach your goals. Your determination will pave the way to victory.
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