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劫夺 jiéduó

1、掠夺的行动或事例;尤指盗用船上的货物 2、用武力夺取[财物或人] 
劫夺 劫夺,指掠夺的行动或事例;用武力夺取(财物或人)。

劫夺造句 更多

  • 1、降使适去,左右劫夺财物,略取妻妾,放火烧宫。
  • 2、在下名叫郑天寿,是个银匠,三年前路过此地时被王英劫夺上山虽然无奈落草,但是并没有做些为非作歹的事情,还请晁保正宽宥。
  • 3、The devastating earthquake not only destroyed homes and buildings but also dealt a heavy blow to the local economy, robbing people of their livelihoods and plunging them into despair.
  • 4、Asthe menacing storm approached, it unleashed its fury upon the coastal town, violently snatching away the dreams and aspirations of those who called it home.
  • 5、The ruthless warlord, driven by power and greed, swooped down upon the peaceful village, his soldiers plundering its wealth and forcing the inhabitants into a life of despair and suffering.
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