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接近 jiējìn

接近 (汉语词语) 接近(jiē jìn)汉语词语,意思为:离得近;靠近,相距不远,例:~群众ㄧ时间已~半夜ㄧ这项技术已~世界先进水平ㄧ大家的意见已经很~,没有多大分歧了。

接近造句 更多

  • 1、在学问上每前进一步,就更接近这真理一步。
  • 2、本书就是一个小阶梯,我每爬一级,就更前进一步,更接近美好的生活。
  • 3、Despite the distance that separates us physically, the love between us brings us closer every day, filling my heart with joy and a sense of belonging.
  • 4、The smell of freshly baked bread and the sound of laughter from the kitchen drew me closer to the warm embrace of my loving family, creating a haven of serenity and happiness.
  • 5、AsI watched the sun slowly sink behind the horizon, the peaceful solitude of the beach made me feel as if I was getting closer to the true essence of life itself, sparking a sense of awe and wonder within me.
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