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奖赏 jiǎngshǎng

奖赏 奖赏:名词 奖赏:图书 奖赏 (名词) 奖赏,读作:jiǎng shǎng。基本词义是用金钱或物品奖励优胜者或有功人员。

奖赏造句 更多

  • 1、众神们,他们一会儿公正一会儿偏袒,一会儿奖赏一会儿惩罚,一会儿爱一会儿恨,有时候他们还掷骰子。
  • 2、只奖赏好的,而不惩罚坏的,就没有规矩;只惩罚坏的,而不奖励好的也台造成混乱。
  • 3、When I finally achieved my goal of running a marathon, the sense of accomplishment and pride was a rewarding experience that made all the hard work and training worth it.
  • 4、The unconditional love and loyalty from my dog is a constant source of joy and companionship, proving that the bond between humans and animals is a rewarding and special connection.
  • 5、The act of volunteering at a local homeless shelter not only provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment, but also serves as a reminder that selflessness and compassion can truly make a difference in the lives of others.
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