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回报 huíbào

1、报答 2、把任务、使命等执行情况报告上级 
回报 (汉语词语) 回报(huí bào),报答;报告,答复;亦指报复。出自邹韬奋的《经历》十六、《秦并六国平话》卷上。

回报造句 更多

  • 1、松树要求于人的甚少,回报于人的却数不胜数,这就是我每次看到松树都油然而生敬意的原因。
  • 2、付出和回报并不成正比,不要做每件事情都想着回报。有时候回报来的会让你意想不到。
  • 3、Giving back to my community through volunteer work brings me a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life, as I believe in the power of collective efforts to make a difference in the lives of others.
  • 4、After years of hard work, finally achieving my dream of becoming a published author is a reward that goes beyond monetary gains, as it validates my passion for storytelling.
  • 5、For every ounce of effort I put into my fitness journey, the increased energy, confidence, and overall well-being I experience are rewards that keep me motivated to continue pushing my limits.
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