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规劝造句 更多

  • 1、同时,他规劝性格强势的父亲改改脾气,不要把钱看得太重,“我本来早就想自首,但担心父母没人照顾!”唐飞还让父母不要去看自己。
  • 2、随后,记者在黄埔街港湾一村社区居委会了解到,老人生性固执,对所有的上门规劝都毫不理会,所以大家对她都毫无办法。
  • 3、Asyour friend, I implore you to reconsider your decision to drop out of school, as education is the key to unlocking a brighter future filled with endless opportunities and personal growth.
  • 4、Let me persuade you to prioritize your health by embracing a balanced diet and regular exercise, for a strong body and a sound mind are the foundations of a happy and fulfilling life.
  • 5、Irge you to take a step back and rethink your impulsive decision to quit your stable job. Sometimes, staying in the comfort zone can lead to long-term success rather than jumping into uncertain waters.
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