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肥胖造句 更多

  • 1、美国公共卫生署代理署长称,在一个与肥胖进行“艰苦斗争”的国度,圣诞老人如果能变得更苗条一些,也许能成为孩子们更为理想的行动榜样。
  • 2、春节餐桌美味多,应当节制少吃喝,油炸食品致燥热,胆固醇高喉咙涩,吃糖不宜太过量,引致肥胖脂肪过,多吃蔬菜解油腻,新陈代谢新年乐!
  • 3、Despite the countless efforts to promote body positivity and self-acceptance, the struggle with obesity continues to affect the physical and mental well-being of millions around the world, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive solutions.
  • 4、The alarming rise in childhood obesity rates not only poses a threat to the future health of our younger generation but also calls for immediate action to address the underlying societal and environmental factors contributing to this epidemic.
  • 5、Living in a society where appearances often define worth, the overweight population faces discrimination and stigma, which not only hinder their pursuit of happiness but also perpetuates deep-rooted inequalities within our communities.
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