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定罪 dìngzuì

定罪 《定罪》是托尼·戈德温执导的一部传记类剧情片,由希拉里·斯万克和山姆·洛克威尔领衔主演。于2010年9月11日在多伦多国际电影节首映。 影片根据真人真事改编,讲述了贝蒂以一己之力对抗强大的司法体系,克服重重困难,最终为蒙冤入狱18年的哥哥洗脱罪名的感人故事。 定罪 (法律名词) 又称为犯罪认定,是指根据刑法规定,对某一行为是否构成犯罪、构成何种犯罪以及构成的是轻罪还是重罪的确认与评判。定罪具有以下特征: (一)定罪的主体是人民法院 (二)定罪的客体是侵害法益的行为 (三)定罪的性质是刑事司法活动

定罪造句 更多

  • 1、而在复合行为犯只有部分行为被共同实施时,虽然在定罪上不能成立共同犯罪,但在量刑上应当对共同实施的部分予以考虑。
  • 2、致人伤残、死亡的,依照本法第二百三十四条、第二百三十二条的规定定罪从重处罚。
  • 3、Asthe court sentenced him to life in prison, the convicted criminal's face remained emotionless, unaffected by the pain and suffering he had inflicted on so many innocent lives, underlining the chilling fact that some individuals are beyond redemption.
  • 4、The act of forgery and deception committed by this renowned figure shattered the trust of an entire community, forever tarnishing their perception of integrity and leaving them grappling with feelings of betrayal and a profound sense of collective loss.
  • 5、The court proceedings were arduous, the testimonies heart-wrenching, but when the judge finally delivered the long-awaited guilty verdict, the victim felt a bittersweet closure, knowing that their truth had finally been heard.
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