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搭讪 dāshàn

搭讪 (词语概念) 搭讪,即主动和陌生人交流。北京话叫“套瓷” 。 为了跟人接近或把尴尬的局面敷衍过去而找话说,亦作“ 搭赸 ”。谓找寻话头借以开始攀谈。亦谓无话找话进行敷衍或寒暄。 搭讪一词并不仅仅限于陌生人,也可以是熟人。近些年兴起的街头搭讪学则专指在街头或各类场所主动结识异性或者是同性。

搭讪造句 更多

  • 1、至于女性精灵,张淼实在拉不下脸去搭讪
  • 2、50多岁的李阿姨停下来,一边揩汗,一边与我们搭讪,得知我们到潜江采访,热情地邀请我们到潜江“三月看花,六月吃虾,八月采莲,十月品鸭”。
  • 3、Asthey stood next to each other in the crowded coffee shop, he whispered into her ear, "I couldn't resist being drawn to your captivating aura. The way you carry yourself exudes confidence and grace. Would you allow me to be a part of your world?"
  • 4、Inthe midst of a bustling street, he mustered up his courage and approached her, saying, "I couldn't help but be intrigued by your radiant smile. It's as if happiness itself reached down from the heavens and kissed your lips. Would you be interested in sharing some laughter and conversation with me?"
  • 5、Asthey bumped into each other at the grocery store, he jokingly said, "They say when you collide with someone, it's a sign of destiny. Well, I must admit, fate seems to have good taste because in you, I see something extraordinary. Mind if I join you on this journey called life?"
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