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成就 chéngjiù

业绩,事业上优良的成效1、完成;成功 2、造就;成全 
成就 (汉语词语) 成就(chéng jiù) ①成绩;业绩:成就非凡|取得成就。 ②完成:仓卒之间,确难成就|非一朝一夕所能成就。 ③成全:成就别人|条件所限,实难成就。

成就造句 更多

  • 1、失败的团队没有成功者,成功的团队成就每一个人!凝聚团队,聚焦目标,为梦想创造无限可能!
  • 2、目标决定高度,远大的目标成就非凡的人生。
  • 3、Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, her unwavering determination and hard work led to the achievement of her lifelong dream of becoming a renowned neurosurgeon, saving countless lives in the process.
  • 4、From a small town with limited resources, he defied all odds and became a groundbreaking scientist, his groundbreaking discovery inspiring future generations and revolutionizing the field of medicine.
  • 5、With every stroke of the brush, she poured her heart and soul into her artwork, ultimately gaining international recognition and a gallery showcase for her artistic achievements.
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